Below are some examples of routes for pilgrims that highlight historic sites, Methodist chapels and prompt us to walk in the footsteps of Methodists before us.
Tolpuddle Martyrs Pilgrimage
The Tolpuddle pilgrimage began as a way of engaging young adults in a
justice-seeking church. A small group first walked from Stroud in 2015, staying with Methodist Churches en route, and arriving in Tolpuddle for the annual TUC sponsored festival. A guide has been devised and is linked here.
Peak Wesley Way
The vision for Peak Wesley Way was born from a small group of local Methodists reflecting on the future of smaller chapels in a changing world. Located in the Peak Methodist District, pilgrims stay in a number of active churches throughout the area.
Isaac's Tea Trail
Mainly within the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, this trail is named after Isaac Holden, a lead miner, who, when faced with illness and the loss of work due to mine closure, became a door-to-door tea seller.
He also converted to Methodism and fuelled by his beliefs he combined tea selling with raising money for the poor and needy and supported many projects for the community, including a wellhead in Allendale Town Market Place.