Opening Times
Open occasionally (see website) and by appointment.
The Court Hall museum on the High Street documents the history of the town of Winchelsea. Tours of the town's extensive medieval wine cellars available. Rye and Hastings, both a short distance away, are worth visiting, while Battle Abbey is just 12 miles away.
Parking in street; Coach parking in town.

John Wesley's first visit to Winchelsea in 1771 made such an impression on the townspeople that they built their own preaching house. He preached in the Winchelsea chapel in 1785 and the pulpit he used remains there today.
By the time Wesley preached his last sermon in Winchelsea in 1790, he was such a noted preacher that the chapel was too small for the large congregation who gathered, and so, being barred from the parish church, he preached in the open air, seated under a tree. This was just six months before he died and the last time he preached outdoors.
Souvenir hunters severely damaged the original ash tree in German Street, close to the parish church, but just outside its walls. But a sapling from it replaced the original tree and there is a commemorative plaque at its foot today.
Winchelsea Methodist Chapel
Rectory Lane, Winchelsea TN36 4EY