Opening Times
Service everyday Sunday at 10:30.
Parking available

The Revd John Fletcher, Anglican vicar of Madeley, might have become John Wesley's successor as leader of the early Methodists had he not died 6 years before Wesley. His ministry in Madeley, near Telford, at the heart of the Industrial Revolution, was outstanding for his preaching, with and for Wesley, for his pastoral work, and for his theological writing, particularly in support of Arminianism - the belief that everyone has the opportunity freely to choose or reject salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Madeley Heritage Trail takes visitors to over 30 interesting and historic buildings and locations around the town, including many places linked to the life and ministry of John and Mary Fletcher. The trail leaflet is made available to download by kind permission of Madeley Parish Council.
Download the trail leaflet (Pdf)
St Michael's parish church was built to John Wesley's concept of a preaching church by Thomas Telford in 1796, during Mary Fletcher's ministry. Mary Bosanquet was already a well-known Methodist leader and preacher among female Methodists when she married John Fletcher in 1781. Mary and John Fletcher's tomb (with whom Sarah Lawrence is buried) is to left of churchyard path.
Other Fletcher references around Madeley include the Old Vicarage (the Fletcher's home in John's lifetime, now a private house - external viewing only) and the Methodist Fletcher Memorial Church.
St Michael's Church, Madeley
Church St, Telford TF7 5BN