
St Andrew's Church & Jane Smith's tomb

Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne

Opening Times

Weekdays 10:00 - 16:00. See church website for up-to-date services.
st andrews newcastle
The Orphan House, lithograph on paper (Photo credit : The Wesleyan Way)

Twelfth-century church with 13th and 19th century additions: a sanctuary in the city centre.

Charles Wesley married Grace Murray to John Bennet at St Andrew's. Grace had been housekeeper at the Orphan House and likely to marry John Wesley, but Charles did not approve and ensured this alternative arrangement. John Wesley later married a widow, Mrs Mary 'Molly' Vazielle, but the marriage was not a success and they separated.

William Smith who was John Wesley's main supporter and 'right hand man' for many years,  and his wife, Jane, and family are buried in a large family tomb in St Andrew's churchyard. Jane Smith was formerly Jane Vazielle, John Wesley's step-daughter.