Rector - Revd Paul Wilson
Epworth Old Rectory; Museum and Home of the Wesley family; Red Lion Inn, Wesley's accustomed lodging house on visits home; the Market Cross, from which Wesley preached; Wesley Statue, erected in commemoration in 2003.

Samuel Wesley, father of John and Charles, was rector of this 15th century Perpendicular-style Anglican parish church. Developed from an earlier, 13th century building, there may have been a church here since Saxon times.
The church has many notable architectural features and interesting items of furniture, including a chair left by Susanna Wesley on her departure from Epworth. The font was used to baptize all the Wesley children, and the chalice, originally Samuel Wesley's, was used by John for his first Holy Communion, when aged 9.
In 1742, barred from preaching in the church, John Wesley famously preached in the churchyard, standing symbolically on his father, Samuel's, tomb (near the south door) - but also because it was land the family owned and from which John could not be evicted for preaching.
St Andrew's Church and Tomb of Samuel Wesley
Church St, Epworth, Doncaster DN9 1ES