07800 716162
Opening Times
See Mr Fitzpatrick's website for up-to-date opening times.
Parking available nearby

When Fitzpatrick's opened in 1890, temperance bars were common. In 1832, Joseph Livesey, a Methodist cheese-maker from Preston, began the 'Temperance Movement'. There was no tax on alcohol, and alcoholism was rife, particularly among the poor.
Initially, avoiding spirits was enough to join, but soon joining the'Band of Hope' and 'taking the pledge' came to mean being totally teetotal (no alcohol at all).
The Fitzpatrick family were renowned Irish herbalists and ran a chain of temperance bars throughout Lancashire. After World War II interest in taking the pledge faded. The end of prohibition in the United States and the introduction of sweet, sugary, fizzy drinks to Britain saw the decline of temperance bars.
Fitzpatrick's now has new owners, who have given the shop a sympathetic refit. Visitors can continue to enjoy their award-winning home-made cordials like sarsaparilla, blood tonic (nicer than it sounds!) and dandelion and burdock.
Mr Fitzpatrick's - Britain's Last Temperance Bar
5 Bank St, Rawtenstall, Rossendale BB4 6QS