Jean de Quetteville was born in 1761 at Le Câtillon, St Martin, Jersey. He is commemorated with a memorial plaque in St Martin's Methodist Church.
Jean became an itinerant preacher in 1785. He first arrived in Guernsey in 1786 and was ordained by the Rev Dr Thomas Coke in 1791. He was to become an effective Methodist evangelist including in France, and is commemorated as the "Apostle to the Channel Islands".
He produced three hymn books, including one commissioned by the Methodist Conference in 1818 that continued in use in the Channel Islands for 50 years.
He married Susanne de Jersey, daughter of Henri, of Mon Plaisir, and more-or-less settled in Guernsey, where he died in 1843. He is buried in St Peter Port Cemetery (opposite the Priaulx Library - on entering the main gate, look for a stone-faced brick table tomb to left of main path).
Jean de Quetteville sites
St Martin's Methodist Church, Rue de Belin, Jersey JE3 6BH, Jersey