Heptonstall, near Hebden Bridge
Heptonstall, near Hebden Bridge
Also nearby
Also in Heptonstall : 19th century parish church of St Thomas the Apostle stands alongside the ruin of the previous 13th century church of St Thomas a Beckett. There are three adjacent churchyards; the newest is where American poet Sylvia Plath, first wife of former Poet Laureate Ted Hughes, is buried. Nearby : Hardcastle Craggs (NT property)

The unspoilt village of Heptonstall features one of the first Methodist octagonal chapels.
At 4 Northgate is The Preacher's House, where the first society meetings took place in the 1740s, before the octagonal chapel was built. Today, viewing is from the outside only.
Heptonstall, near Hebden Bridge
Heptonstall, near Hebden Bridge