0191 2321692
Opening Times
Brunswick Coffee Shop is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:30am – 1:15pm and on Saturday 10:30am until 12:30pm.

This grade II listed city centre church was built in 1820 and opened in 1821. Designed by Williams Jenkins (1763-1844), a Wesleyan minister and architect. Following a merger in 1981 with Central Methodist Church (Newcastle upon Tyne), the former Primitive Methodist city centre church on Northumberland Road, Brunswick Methodist Church underwent major refurbishment included flooring the upper gallery to create a first-floor worship space. Wesley Room displays Orphan House memorabilia, paintings and portraits.
Brunswick has a significant collection of paintings, engravings and memorabilia - available to view by appointment.
Brunswick Methodist Church
Brunswick Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7BJ