Superintendent Minister: Rev Andy Day.
Opening Times
Sunday Service at 6.30pm (Summer) and 4.30pm (Winter). See website for up to date times.
There is on road parking next to the Chapel.

Beulah Bible Christian Chapel was built in 1861. It remains in use. Now an isolated building, it was then surrounded by Brendon Hill village, which housed more than 250 mine workers and their families.
After the mines closed in 1883 the congregation dwindled and by 1900 it was derelict. When it re-opened in 1910, the Bible Christians had been amalgamated into the United Methodist Church, who reunited with the ‘Prims’ and Wesleyans into today’s Methodist Church in 1932.
There is no electricity to the building and no running water; however the services held in this historic building are still convened under the original calor-gas lamps and are truly unique.
Brendon Hill Chapel
Brendon Hill, Watchet, Somerset TA23 0LL