Minister: Revd Liam Dacre-Davis -
0116 257 1069
Opening Times
Open for Sunday Morning Worship at 10:45.
Mid-week worship is held on Wednesdays 13:00-13:30.

Built in the classical Non-conformist manner in 1815 on land adjoining the livestock market: arched windows, two entrances to the horse-shoe gallery enclosed by a four-square structure.
The architect, the Revd William Jenkins, was also a Methodist minister. An extra bay was built to house the seventeenth-century organ case, traditionally ascribed to 'Father Smith' (organ builder to Charles II).
Most of the fittings are late 19th century: 'barley-sugar' communion rails, central pulpit, clock, pews and retractable wall benches.
Bishop Street Methodist Church
10a Bishop St, Leicester LE1 6AF